Friday, May 11, 2012

The Resurrection Men.

There was a time in Ireland when people feared the nocturnal activities of a group of men that went under the name ‘Resurrection Men’. They specialised in grave robbing and body snatching and were particularly prevalent during the early 1800s. Some of these nefarious characters would be happy just stealing the valuables that had been buried with the dead but some went further, they stole the bodies and sold them to supply doctors who used them in the study of human anatomy.
In order to thwart the activities of these grave robbers people resorted to a number of ingenious measures which included burying bodies in backyards or cellars until the remains were so far gone they were of no use as objects of anatomical research.  People stood guard over recently buried relatives and some people who could afford to erected grills, cages or iron bars around the grave site, these were known as ‘mortsafes’. Mortsafes date from the beginning of the nineteenth century and were designed to protect corpses. They came in a variety of designs and sizes and could be reused after six to eight weeks.

Two of the most notorious grave robbers were Irish and were active in Edinburgh, Scotland during the 1820s.  At the beginning of the eighteenth century Edinburgh had become an important centre for the study of anatomy. Students were assigned one cadaver – usually an executed criminal – on which to practice their studies. However this was not a sufficient amount and gradually students and surgeons began to seek other ways in which to obtain corpses to dissect. Grave robbing was such a common occurrence in Edinburgh at that time that some graveyards had high walls and railings around them and watchtowers were even erected with armed guards standing guard.

William Burke and William Hare were both from Ulster and had gone to Edinburgh to work as ‘navies’ on the New Union Canal.  They worked at this occupation during the day but once night fell they took to their other more sinister and profitable trade.  At first, grave robbing but eventually murder.  Their victims were the homeless who wouldn’t be missed but they soon began targeting drunks and others who they would follow down the dark streets before strangling them.  It was to be another Irish connection that would lead to the eventual end of their gruesome activities.  That connection was a recent arrival to Edinburgh in the shape of Mrs Docherty.  She had recently arrived from Ireland and Burke who met her in a local shop befriended her. He invited her home to his lodgings for a bite to eat and it was there he murdered her. It was believed that Burke and Hare murdered up to thirty people but Burke was the only one prosecuted and then it was for the murder of Mrs Docherty.  Hare turned Kings Evidence against him and Burke was hanged on 28th January 1829.  Hare was reported to have died a penniless pauper in London in 1858.

There is a twist to the story, Burke’s body was donated to medical science for dissection, and his skeleton is still displayed in Edinburgh’s University Medical School. His skin was used to make a pocket book and this is displayed at the Police Museum in Edinburgh.
The Anatomy Act 1832,  allowed the bodies of paupers who died in workhouses to be used for anatomical research, this helped to end the activities of the body snatchers.

Now let us return to the tale of the Irish Resurrection Men.
The fear of being buried alive is as old as the hills.  Famous bards such as Shakespeare and Edgar Allen Poe have written grisly stories regarding it.  Macabre tales of narrow escapes when people who were discovered buried alive when grave robbers opened their coffins.  Contorted, twisted, petrified bodies of those poor unfortunates who upon waking found themselves trapped in a box doomed to a horrific death.  Here follows a story of one such woman who found that being buried alive would become a terrible reality.

Margorie McCall c1705.

Margorie McCall was married to a doctor and they lived in Lurgan, County Armagh.  They were very happy and content with their lot in life. Unfortunately Margorie became ill and although her husband was a doctor he was extremely worried. It should be remembered that in the early 1700s medical science was not what it is today and simple illnesses we would consider as easily cured today could prove fatal at that time. Sadly poor Margorie was to succumb to her fever and she passed away, she was buried in Shankhill Church of Ireland Cemetery not far from where they lived in Church Place.  Her burial was a speedy one for at that time fever was feared as it was known to spread; this should have been the end of the story.

Margorie was buried still wearing a beautiful gold wedding ring.  Her husband could not remove it from her finger due to the fact that her fingers had swollen since her death. People talked of the buried treasure and the Resurrection Men were listening. Here was a chance to make some easy money, not only could they sell the body but they were in for a bonus. That evening, before the ground she was buried in had time to settle upon poor Margorie’s coffin the boys paid a visit.  In the graveyard they worked under cover of darkness, digging down silently until they heard the scrape of the spade upon the lid of her box, they reached down and prised of the lid.

They saw the glitter of gold upon her finger. Realising the story they had heard was true they attempted to remove the ring, it would not budge. Well times were hard and money was as tight as that ring so they decided they were not about to let such a prize go to the surgeon’s slab. She was dead already so she wouldn’t need her finger would she? It was agreed, that they would cut off the finger to free the ring.  Unfortunately for them the shock of the knife slicing through her finger was just what she needed to wake her up from the catatonic state she had been in.  She sat up, eyes wide and screamed like a Banshee. Some say that one of the body snatchers had a heart attack and dropped dead on the spot, others say they took off like the devil himself was after them never to be seen again.  They were even reported as giving up their rather profitable trade.  Margorie rose from her grave and began to stagger to her nearby home
Back at the house her husband was sat talking to some relatives that had remain behind after the burial when he heard a bang at the door. He stood up, went to the door and opened it.  There like a scene from The Shining stood his wife (HI Honey I’m Home).  She was still wearing her dirt covered death shroud and she was dripping blood from her part severed finger.  Some stories tell us that he dropped dead from fright and was buried in the plot of ground his wife had recently vacated.  The poor relatives are not mentioned and it’s unsure whether they were pleased to see her alive or upset to see him drop dead.

It is said that Margorie went on to re-marry and to have a number of children.  Some say she was even pregnant when she rose from the grave.  She is still seen wandering the cemetery at night, although you would think she had had enough of that place.  If you visit the graveyard you will see her gravestone, upon it is written “Here Lies Margorie McCall, Lived Once, Buried Twice.

It is also said that some people hide behind the curtains and jump out shouting “it's me, it’s me, it’s Margorie” Now off you go to bed, sweet dreams, and try to Keep Smiling.

This will be the last entry until after my exams. I shall return on the 1st June, until then Keep smiling and look after each other.

Top Image = Mortsafes in various sizes.
Middle Image = Margorie McCall's grave marker.
Lower Image = Security railings around a grave.



  1. Thanks Silent Owl this was a great post. Grave stories and furniture are something that I have an interest in so this post was perfect. Am currently trying to find out about coffin-shaped stones on graves. In my local grave-yard there are some of these. Were they to prevent grave-robbers or did they have some other purpose? I have some fascinating photos and I am currently trying to find out. The Victorian cemetery is one of my interests. A great post as always. Love to you and yours Radders x

  2. Hi Radders.

    As usual, thank you for your kind comments. You have set me an interesting question, one that I have not considered before.

    In the interior of Kildare Abbey there is a coffin shaped tombstone. Although the design of the cross is very early Irish the carving is roughly 14th century. Commonly referred to as a coffin-stone. Most of those I have seen appear to be very early in date and were preceded by wooden crosses. I don't think they were placed upon the grave to prevent grave robbing by humans. However. it is possible they were used to prevent disturbance by scavenging animals.

    This would not account for the shape.

    It’s interesting that some grave/tomb stones are shaped like caskets or large slabs depicting the status of the person interred. Is it possible that the grave slab was shaped like a coffin to ensure it pointed in the right direction for a Christian burial?

    After my exams I will carry out some research and see if I can discover what the story is.

    If you do find out any information before then please let me know.

    Love and hugs to you and yours. Keep interested and Keep smiling. xox.

  3. Hi Silent Owl, No this coffin-shaped stone is not the vertical headstone at the top of the grave. The headstone is normal with a normal dedication to the person buried in the grave. The coffin shaped stone is horizontal on the grave itself. There are in effect six stones for a burial plot of a family of three (if that makes sense). There is a coffin-shaped stone as well as a normal headstone. In fact there is not one stone, there are three in varying sizes above three graves that are quite plainly covering a family plot with three headstones. This is what I find so unusual. Instead of being a single grave the family plot is quite large with three coffin-shaped stones on top. I personally find it quite unusual. If you want some more information and a photo, I will subscribe, hope you will be able to pick up my email address from this. Meantime, hope that your exams go well. Love to you and yours Radders.

  4. Hi Radders

    So what your describing is the grave slab that lies on top of the grave. The vertical stone could actually be described as the grave marker. If you could send me details I would be grateful as it may aid me in my research at a later date. I am aslo on Facebook and Twitter so if you want to do it on facebook as a message than that is another option. Send me an email when you can. I could not see your email address as your profile is not active at this time. Thank you for your good wishes (exams) and as always Keep Smiling. Love to all there. xox.

  5. Hi Devangel
    My thanks for your contribution. My thanks also to Toni Maguire. The originator of this line of inquiry (Radcliffe) has offered to send me details of the cemetery in which these grave slabs are located. When I receive them I will follow up with more details. Keep smiling. Silentowl.

    So you're takin' better care of your body
    Becoming more aware of your body.
    Responding to your body's needs.
    Everything you hear and read about diets,
    Nutrition and sleeping position and detoxifying your system,
    And buying machines that they advertise to help you exercise.
    Herbs to revitalize you if you're traumatized.
    Soaps that will sanitize.
    Sprays to deordorize.
    Liquid to neutralize acids and pesticides.
    Free weights to maximize your strength and muscle size.
    Shots that will immunize.
    Pills to re-energize you.

    But remember that for all your pain and gain
    Eventually the story ends the same...
    You can quite smokin', but you're still gonna die.
    Cut out cokin', but you're still gonna die.
    Eliminate everything fatty or fried,
    And you get real healthy, but you're still gonna die.
    Stop drinkin' booze, you're still gonna die.
    Stay away from cooze, you're still gonna die.
    You can cut out coffee and never get high,
    But you're still gonna, still gonna, still gonna die.

    You're still gonna, still gonna, still gonna die.
    Still gonna, still gonna, still gonna die.
    You can even give aerobics one more try,
    But when the music stops playin', you're still gonna die.
    Put seat belts in your car, you're still gonna die.
    Cut nicotine tar, you're still gonna die.
    You can exercise that cellulite off your thigh.
    Get slimmer and trimmer, but you're still gonna die.
    Stop gettin' a tan, you're still gonna die.
    You can search for UFO's up in the sky
    They might fly you to Mars where you're still gonna die.

    You're still gonna, still gonna, still gonna die.
    Still gonna, still gonna, still gonna die.
    And all the Reeboks and Nikes and Adidas you buy
    You can jog up to heaven and you're still gonna die.

    Drink ginseng tonics, you're still gonna die.
    Try high colonics, you're still gonna die.
    You can have yourself frozen and suspended in time,
    But when they do thaw you out, you're still gonna die.
    You can have safe sex, you're still gonna die.
    You can switch to Crest, you're still gonna die.
    You can get rid of stress, get a lot of rest,
    Get an AIDS test, enroll in EST,
    Move out west where it's sunny and dry
    And you'll live to be a hundred
    But you're still gonna die.

    You're still gonna, still gonna, still gonna die.
    Still gonna, still gonna, still gonna die.
    So you'd better have some fun
    'Fore you say bye-bye,
    'Cause you're still gonna, still gonna, still gonna die.

    Shel Silverstein – Still Gonna Die Lyrics |
