Monday, December 31, 2012

May I take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a very Happy New Year. Best wishes to you and yours and may the new sun shine down upon you and light your way. Please enjoy the celebrations but remember "Don't drink and drive" and think of your pets or stock as they may find the loud noises of fireworks a little frightening. I look forward to posting new and interesting bits and pieces for you and reading your comments (always appreciated).

Keep smiling,



  1. May I just ask: is that you in the photograph? Because I must say, that is a very lovely hat.

  2. Hi manbehindthecurtai :)

    In answer to your question, yes it is I. It is a lovely top hat and I know that you have a particular penchant for Top Hat's so I thank you for your very kind comment.

    Keep smiling.

